Friday, October 29, 2010

My daughter's afterschool activities

Guest post written by Elizabeth Quincy

Sometimes it's hard to keep up with all the stuff that I do on my time, much less all the stuff that my daughter does after school. There's art lessons, Girl Scouts, children's choir at church and now she's added figure skating to that long schedule of activities.

I was a little surprised when she told me she wanted to learn how to figure skate but I thought that it might be good to do a physical activity since the rest of her stuff isn't. As I was looking up information on lessons, I came across some facts about a wireless internet service that sounded like it might be better than the one we've been using forever, so I decided to click here and switch over from our old provider.

Well, I wouldn't quite call my daughter a figure skater yet because she's only a lesson or two into the sport, but she definitely is an ice skater because she's picked up on how to stop, go and control what she's doing when she's skating. I guess there are a lot of sparkly leotards in her future.

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